Tasty Heritage Open Days for 2021
Ramsgate and the rest of Thanet is geared up for a host of Heritage venue choices that are taking part in this year’s national Heritage Open Days ten-day festival which starts on 10th September.

The theme for 2021 is ‘Edible England’ and venues have been asked to explore this topic in relation to their attraction and location which has led to some interesting opportunities as you will see when you visit the many places that are featured in the brochure. Monkton Nature Reserve has teamed up with Wild Classroom on 15th September for example, where you can learn about outdoor cooking using locally sourced ingredients. On 19th, Ramsgate Costumed Walks will walk you around the Harbour and tell you all about the vast fishing industry in Ramsgate and at Minster Abbey (open 11th and 15th, 10am – 3pm) you will be able to view the medieval fishponds that were a valuable source of protein for the monastic orders! Wartime cookery demonstrations at Ramsgate Tunnels over the weekend of 18th and in homage to Vincent van Gogh and his famous ‘Potato Eaters’ painting, the volunteer gardeners at Spencer Square have grown potatoes and herbs which they will serve to you on Sunday 19th! There are seventeen different options in the Ramsgate area and thirty across Thanet to choose from, including the above so plenty to get your teeth into!
Special thanks to Ramsgate Society who has coordinated the brochure again for 2021 and done a fine job!
For more information, check out the downloadable brochure.
Bon Appetit!
Rebekah Smith
Ramsgate Town Promoter on behalf of Ramsgate Town Council