Maps & Trails
Below are a selection of Maps covering events, shopping, restaurants, walks, music venues and tourist attractions in & around Ramsgate. Here are some shortcut links to Map sections.
Accessibility | Eating & Drinking | Shopping | Accommodation | Art & Music | Tourist Attractions | Activities | Children | Dogs | Green Spaces | Wet Weather | Salons & Spas
(Click on the GREEN square information icon for additional map information)

Accessibility Map
Eating & Drinking
Afternoon Tea & Cake Stops
Fish & Chip Shops
Where to Shop
Ramsgate Retro Shopping Trail
Ramsgate Jewellery Shopping Map
Ramsgate Charity Shops Map
Where to Stay in Ramsgate
Art Gallery Trail
Public Art Trail
All things Musical in Ramsgate
Vinyl Records Trail
Tourist Attractions in Ramsgate
Day Trips from Ramsgate
Activities in Ramsgate
Boat Trips from Ramsgate
Tours & Walks
Nature Trail – Ramsgate to Pegwell
Ramsgate to Broadstairs – Beach & Cliff Walks
Children under 16 – Things to do in Ramsgate
Dog Friendly Places, Activities & Services in Ramsgate
Ramsgate Green Spaces
Wet Weather Map
Barbers, Salons & Spas