Ramsgate 200

Come and join in the Royal Harbour 200 Celebrations!

A fun packed weekend starts in Ramsgate this Friday, 24th September, celebrating 200 years since King George IV granted Royal Status to our Harbour.

This bi centennial celebration is all about our fantastic community who have come together to join in this festival, to reclaim some of the things the town missed out on in 2020 including funfairs, theatre shows and pantos, but also to raise funds for Ramsgate RNLI and Sea Cadets and for the bronzing of the King George IV statue, lovingly sculpted by our local, resident Dominic Grant who passed away in November 2020.

We have, local PCSO, John Litchfield organising the Sea Safety event in the Main Sands prom with emergency services demos from Friday to Sunday, a traditional funfair around the harbour, a Parade followed by Drumhead service starts the weekend celebrations at 11am Saturday which includes all our local Sea Cadet Units and other organisations with local and visiting dignatories joining in the Festival.

There will be choirs and  live music hosted by Queens Head, visiting Little Ships and Sea Cadet boats, Gala events at the Big top marquee, which you can still book tickets for the Friday evening Starlite Variety Show (Saturday evening is sold out), the Sunday afternoon pantomime and The Obelisk Awards later on that day via ramsgate200gala@gmail.com


We also have a trio of historic Harbour Talks, hosted by Royal Temple Yacht Club which can be booked via www.eventbrite.co.uk (search Ramsgate Harbour to find out more about the free talks).

York Street Gallery is hosting a special Royal Harbour 200 Exhibition with over 30 new artworks from more than 20 contributing artists (open 10 to 4pm throughout the Festival and well worth a visit!). Our Carnival tram and Miss Ramsgate Organisation will be helping our throughout the whole weekend.

The Handmade Market will be on Harbour Parade all day Saturday and Sunday and will be joined by Addington Street Community Group and Ramsgate Town Team who will be based in Cozi Van Tutti near the obelisk: the little yellow caravan will be screening old Ramsgate movies and in the adjoining yellow marquee, there will be crown making workshops.

We have a children’s free street party (200 tickets available at the information tent and box office) on Sunday afternoon (don’t forget to wear your crown!) swiftly followed by a panto at the Big marquee mid afternoon (£5 per ticket – Book with ramsgate200gala@gmail.com). There will also be the fabulous Ramsgate Costumed Walks at 11am on Saturday and 3pm Sunday, a Reenactment of the William Frith painting that hangs in Buckingham Palace which everyone is welcome to be part of! Sea Shanties and Japanese Drums on Saturday, Paul Dryden Road Show hosts the TPOTS (The Picnic On The Sands) where you bring your own grub and enjoy the music.

All this, to celebrate our Royal Harbour status, still the only Royal Harbour in the UK and of course, to show off our lovely town!  There will be lots more for you to enjoy and if the weather is right, you are guaranteed to enjoy what we have to offer, be it our festivities, the wonderful eating and drinking establishments and all our incredible independent shops that you will discover when you venture into the town. Check out our Things to Do section for more info including our Active Ramsgate guide and all our Maps and Trails which include ‘Interesting Independent Shops’ and 17 others!

For more info check out the Royal Harbour 200 facebook page and have fun!

Ramsgate 200 poster

Parking Guide

Parking map

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